All posts by Robin Walsh

Taking Care of Your Body from the Inside and Out

We often talk about what we can do to heal our body and optimize our health by what we eat and put inside our body.  While most healing does come from within, there is a new and natural way Vibrant Living is helping thier patients restore their natural beauty and optimize skin health.

Vibrant Living is proud to announce the launch of EVANHEALY all natural skincare line.

For years our Naturopaths have been recommending Evanhealy products.  After so many success stores and the out pore of unbelievable testimonials of how these products have transformed the skin health of our patients we wanted to make it more accessible to everyone but offering the full line.

Evanhealy products are fantastic for anyone wanted an ALL natural skincare line free of preservatives, harmful chemicals, dyes and perfumes.

Evanhealy offers products to help treat:

  • dry, oily, sensitive, problematic or acne prone skin
  • eczema, psoriasis, rosacea
  • repair damage caused by sun, pollutants, aging and inflammation
  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • healing of scars
  • preserve youthful vibrant skin

To learn more about Evanhealy products and their philosophy please visit

Please stay tuned for an up-coming FREE skincare seminar that will be presented by your naturopaths this fall.

Alkalize Your Body and Lose Weight

Eating foods that are more alkalinizing will help your body function vibrantly and will help you lose weight, have more energy, help keep your bones strong, improve your digestion and much more. For a complete list of alkalinizing foods refer to the chart below.

pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline something is. pH balance is a very important part of health. pH is measured from 1 (very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline). Our body works really hard to keep the pH of our blood at a slightly alkaline level (7.4). Our diet can have a significant impact on our blood pH. When we eat more acidic foods such as sugar, processed food, red meat our bodies have to work extra hard to restore the pH of the body. Consider this: A 350 ml serving of Coke, Pepsi or similar drink delivers a sugar fix equivalent to about 9 teaspoons of sugar straight into the blood stream. This instantly acidifies the bloodstream to the extreme point that without an immediate emergency response from the body, it would kill you in a mater of minutes…you’d have to drink 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the blood pH…to prevent death by acidosis, the body reacts swiftly by drawing huge amounts of organic calcium from the bones and teeth and pouring it into the bloodstream to neutralize the excess acid and quickly restore alkaline balance. Calcium is the body’s most potent alkalizing agent”.

It’s no coincidence that acid foods that pack on the pounds and contribute to other help problems such as osteoporosis. Acidic foods accelerate aging, especially after our 40’s when the body isn’t as efficient at buffering the blood with calcium.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that alkalizing diets improve bone density and serum growth hormone concentrations; the acidosis resulting from acidic diets contributes to bone and muscle loss.

Our fat cells actually help to protect us again the excess acid in our body by trapping the acid in the fat cells. The more acidic the diet is the more your fat cells grow. Also, the body resists breaking down fat stores when the body is acidic, so to help mobilize and breakdown fat you need to alkalinize!

Clinical studies show that alkaline mineral water (such as spring water) is the best way to obtain alkaline minerals and acid waters like colas are the best way to quickly deplete them!

The most nourishing alkaline foods are nature’s super greens – spirulina, barley and wheat grass. Other super foods are Essetential Fatty Acids (omega 3) help maintain an alkaline body. For a more complete list of alkaline and acidic foods please see the chart below.

5 Top Ways to Stay Alkaline:

  1. Drink, Drink then Drink some more!
    1. By far the most important and yet the easiest way to accelerate your alkaline diet weight loss results is to hydrate consistently. Avoid Coffee, tea, soda and other acidic drinks.
  2. Avoid Foods with preservatives, food colouring and additives.
    1. The body wasn’t designed to digest these chemical substances, so it must either: eliminate them, neutralize them or park them away where they can’t damage your body
  3. Avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague.
    1. If you have been trying to lose weight, chances are you have relied on artificial sweeteners to cut calories.
  4. Always have cut veggies and soaked nuts ready in your fridge
    1. Having more of the alkaline foods readily available makes it easier to make the healthier choice. Buy veggies that you enjoy eating!
  5. Choose more vegetarian sources of Protein
    1. Meats are more acid especially red meat. Choose less acid protein such as vegetarian protein – beans, nuts, seeds, fish

General Guidance:

Stick to salads, fresh vegetables and healthy nuts and oils. Try to consume plenty of raw foods and at least 2-3 litres of clean, pure water daily. Avoid or reduce of fatty meats, dairy, cheese, sweets, chocolates, alcohol and tobacco. Packaged foods are often full of hidden offenders and microwave meals are full of sugars and salts.

Alkaline VegetablesAsparagus
Lambs Lettuce
Red Cabbage
Green Beans
Grasses (wheat, straw, barley, dog, kamut etc.)
Brussels Sprouts
Alkaline Drinks‘Green Drinks’
Fresh vegetable juice
Pure water (distilled or ionised)
Lemon water (pure water + fresh lemon or lime).
Herbal Tea
Vegetable broth
Non-sweetened Soy Milk
Almond Milk
Acidic ProteinsPork
TurkeyAcidic Seeds & Nuts

Cashew Nuts
Pistachio Nuts

Acid Dairy ProductsMilk
Ice Cream
Watermelon (is neutral)
Alkaline Seeds, Nuts & GrainsAlmonds
Buckwheat Groats
Cumin Seeds
Any sprouted seed
Others Acidic FoodsVinegar
White Pasta
White Bread
Wholemeal Bread
Soy Sauce
Condiments (Tomato Sauce, Mayonnaise etc.)
Artificial Sweeteners
Acidic DrinksFizzy Drinks
Fruit Juice
Dairy Smoothies
Traditional Tea
Others Alkalinizing FoodsSprouts (soy, alfalfa, mung bean, wheat, little radish , chickpea, broccoli etc)
Bragg Liquid Aminos (Soy Sauce Alternative)
Alkaline Fats & OilsFlax
Evening Primrose
Coconut Oil
Acidic Convenience FoodsSweets
Microwave Meals
Tinned Foods
Powdered Soups
Instant Meals
Fast Food
Acidic Fats & OilsSaturated Fats
Hydrogenated Oils
Margarine (worse than Butter)
Corn Oil
Vegetable Oil
Sunflower Oil

Get Excited About Asparagus!

Eating local and fresh is not only fantastic for the environment but it also makes for much tastier meals! There are numerous fresh and local fruits and vegetables harvested in our community – asparagus being one of our favourite! The fleshy green spears of asparagus are both succulent and tender and have been considered a delicacy since ancient times. Asparagus is also known for its healing properties and high nutrient content. Start experimenting with asparagus and make it a great addition to your meals!

Heart Health

Asparagus are especially high in folate. Folate is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system. Just one serving of asparagus supplies almost 66% of the daily recommended intake of folate.

A Natural Diuretic

Asparagus is a very good source of potassium (288 mg per cup) and quite low in sodium (19.8 mg per cup). Its mineral content, combined with an active amino acid in asparagus, asparagine, gives asparagus a diuretic effect. Historically, asparagus has been used to treat problems involving swelling, such as arthritis and rheumatism, and may also be useful for PMS-related water retention.

Food for Healthy Gut Flora

Asparagus contains a special kind of carbohydrate called inulin which is a health-promoting friendly bacteria in our large intestine. When our diet contains good amounts of friendly bacteria the digestive system works smoothly.

A Birth Defect Fighter

Eat lots of asparagus if you’re thinking about becoming pregnant or are in the early stages of pregnancy. A cup of asparagus supplies approximately 263 mcg of folate, a B-vitamin essential for proper nervous system development. Inadequate folate during pregnancy has been linked to several birth defects, including neural tube defects like spina bifida.

For more information on asparagus and for delicious recipes visit the official Ontario website for asparagus.

My New Favourite Book for Healthy Living

You never know what kind of treasures are waiting for you around the corner.  As I was shopping in Shoppers Drug Mart for my all natural toothpaste last week I also stumbled upon a great new recipe book on their discounted book rack.

The book is called 100-Calorie Snack Cookbook by Sally Sampson.  It’s filled with hundreds of recipes, accompanied with colourful pictures and serving ideas and has a breakdown of the calories in fats, carbohydrates, protein, sodium and dietary fibre.  The book is further organized into different chapters form soups, to protein snacks, to tasty healthy deserts.

It is a well establish fact that small frequent meals throughout the day and incorporating snacks into your diet between meals is the key to stabilizing blood sugar, reducing stress, enhancing energy and losing weight!

For those that want to start eating healthier or for those that are looking for new and exciting snack options this is the perfect book for you!

Say good-bye 100 Calorie Thinsations and all other processed low calorie, nutrient void foods and say hello to a library of tasty, healthy, low glycemic snack options.  It’s one thing to reduce calories lose weight, but if you are doing it by filling your diet with low calorie highly processed foods stripped of nutrients and pumped with artificial this and chemical you may lose weight but do you gain health – NO.

If losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight is important to you check out this book.  Here a few of my favourite recipes from the book so far – Enjoy!

Ps. you can pick yourself up at a copy at Amazon by clicking this link: 100-Calorie Snack Cookbook

Peanut Butter- Banana-Apple Bites (1 serving)

  • 2 thin slices of apples
  • 2 teaspoons peanut butter (can substitute with almond or other nut butters)
  • ¼ banana, sliced
  • ½ teaspoon honey
  • 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 14 blueberries (optional)

Place the apple slices on a flat surface and spread the peanut butter.  Top with the banana.  Sprinkle with honey, cinnamon, and if desired add blueberries.

Beet Chips (4 servings)

  • 8 beets, boiled or roasted until soft, peel and slice as think as possible
  • 1 teaspoon salt (if you’re reducing salt in your diet, use less salt or try low sodium alternatives such as Herbamare spice by A.vogel)
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil

Preheat oven to 400 F.  Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.  Place beets, salt and oil in a large bowl and toss until beets are well coated.  Pour the beets in a single layer onto the baking sheets, transfer to the oven, and bake until they are beginning to brown on the edges and are just crisp, about 40 minutes.  Set aside to cool and then transfer to a jar or for up to 3 days. If they become moist, simply pop them in a 300 F oven for about 5 minutes.

Vegetable Cottage Cheese (1 serving)

  • ½ cup nonfat cottage cheese
  • 1 tbsp chopped English cucumber
  • 1 tbsp chopped tomato
  • 1 tbsp chopped carrot
  • 1 tbsp chopped chive
  • ½ tbsp chopped red ions
  • ¼ teaspoon dried oregano
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Place everything in a mixing bowl and gently combine.  Cover and refrigerate for at least ½ hours and up to 4 hours.

Berry Fro-Yo (4 servings)

  • 2 ½ cups strawberries, sliced and frozen
  • 2 cups blueberries, frozen
  • ½ cup plus 2 tbsp frozen plain low-fat yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

Place frozen berries in the food processor.  Process until smooth.  Gradually add the yogurt and lemon juice and process until completely incorporated.  Serve immediately or cover and freeze in individual portions for up to 2 weeks.  If you freeze the portions, let them sit at room temperature for 10 minutes before eating.

My Love Affair with Quinoa

I LOVE Quinoa!

I was first introduced to it at a dinner party by one of my classmates from my naturopathic medical training.  It was the fluffy, creamy, slightly crunchy texture of the quinoa that won me over immediately!  Soon after my first introduction to this fabulous “grain” I began incorporating it into my own cooking and was thrilled to learn about all the nutrients and numerous health benefits I was gaining from eating this delicious food.

Most commonly considered a “grain,” quinoa is actually a relative of leafy green vegetables like spinach and Swiss chard.  Quinoa is an amino acid-rich (protein) food.  It also supplies complete protein, meaning it includes all nine essential amino acids which makes it an especially good choice for vegetarians or vegans to ensure adequate protein intake.

Quinoa is especially rich with the amino acid lysine, which is essential for tissue growth and repair. In addition to protein, quinoa features a host of other health-building nutrients. Because quinoa is a very good source of manganese as well as a good source of magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus, this “grain” may be especially valuable for persons with migraine headaches, diabetes, atherosclerosis, antioxidant, menopausal, asthma, cancer and much more.   In addition, quinoa is gluten free; thus, it is one of the least allergenic “grains.”

Nutrient Breakdown

Quinoa: uncooked 0.25 cup, 158.95 calories




Daily Value

Foods Rating


0.96 mg


very good


89.25 mg




3.93 mg




0.06 g




0.35 mg




174.25 mg



Macro Nutrient Comparison to Other Grains (as a percentage)

Nutritional Value (%)

Protein Fat Carbohydrate Fibre
Wheat 8.9 2.2 66.8 2.1
Barley 10.0 1.5 66.4 4.5
Oats 10.3 4.7 62.1 9.3
Rye 12.4 1.3. 71.7 2.3
Brown rice 9.7 2.4 73.2 1.1
QUINOA **13.1 5.3 55.7 4.9

Tips for Preparing Quinoa

  1. It is always a good idea to thoroughly wash the seeds.
  2. To wash quinoa, place it in stainless steel strainer, run cold water over the quinoa and gently rub the seeds together with your hands.
  3. To cook the quinoa, add one part of the grain to two parts liquid in a saucepan. After the mixture is brought to a boil, reduce the heat to simmer and cover. One cup of quinoa cooked in this method usually takes 15 minutes to prepare.
  4. When cooking is complete, you will notice that the grains have become translucent, and the white germ has partially detached itself, appearing like a white-spiraled tail.
  5. If you desire the quinoa to have a nuttier flavor, you can dry roast it before cooking; to dry roast, place it in a skillet over medium-low heat and stir constantly for five minutes.

A Few Quick Serving Ideas

  1. Combine cooked chilled quinoa with pinto beans, pumpkin seeds, scallions and coriander. Season to taste and enjoy this south-of-the-border inspired salad.
  2. Add nuts and fruits to cooked quinoa and serve as breakfast porridge.
  3. For a twist on your favorite pasta recipe, use noodles made from quinoa.
  4. Sprouted quinoa can be used in salads and sandwiches just like alfalfa sprouts.
  5. Add quinoa to your favorite vegetable soups.
  6. Ground quinoa flour can be added to cookie or muffin recipes.
  7. Quinoa is great to use in tabouli, serving as a delicious (and wheat-free) substitute for the bulgar wheat.

Tasty Quinoa Recipes

Meatless Quinoa Burgers

2 cups cooked Quinoa
1 onion chopped
1 carrot grated
1 clove garlic minced
1 Tablespoon onion soup mix or preferred seasonings
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1 finely chopped celery stick
1 egg (beaten) – This makes a firmer burger
  1. Mix above ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Form burger with wet hands (patties are about 4 inches in diameter and ½ inch thick).
  3. Lightly oil frying pan.
  4. Cook about 5 minutes each side until golden brown.


  • 1/2 cup cooked and finely chopped broccoli
  • 1/2 cup mushrooms, finely chopped

Quinoa Pilaf

1 cup Quinoa
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup minced onion
1/4 cup finely diced celery
1 tsp minced garlic
1 lb fresh mushrooms, thinly sliced
1 1/2 cups water or low-salt chicken broth
1/2 – 1 tsp salt
3 tbsp minced parsley
1 tsp fresh thyme
1/4 tsp black pepper
  1. In a medium skillet, heat olive oil.
  2. Add onions, celery, garlic and mushrooms.
  3. Sauté for three or four minutes until slightly browned.
  4. Add Quinoa and stir for a minute or two to coat with oil.
  5. Add water or broth, cover and bring to a boil.
  6. Reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes.
  7. Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients.
  8. Serve immediately.

Make 4 – 6 servings

Stuffed Bell Peppers

4 large Bell Peppers
1 cup Quinoa
5 cups Vegetable Broth
6-8 Sun dried Roma Tomatoes
1 medium onion
1 cup Buckwheat Groats
3-4 Garlic cloves
Rosemary, Basil, Oregano to taste
1 cup Tomato Puree
1 egg white or egg substitute
  1. Rinse Quinoa well and set aside to drain.
  2. Chop onion, garlic, and sun dried tomatoes and set aside.
  3. Cut tops off of bell peppers, rinse the bodies clear of seeds. Trim the seedpod off the tops and save the tops.
  4. Heat 2 cups of broth to a boil in a medium sized saucepan. Once broth has reached a boil dump in the Quinoa and sun dried tomatoes. Cover and bring flame down to simmer for 12 minutes.
  5. Add 1 cup of buckwheat groats to 1 egg white (or egg substitute) and mix until groats are coated.
  6. Turn mixture into a dry frying pan and cook over medium heat for 2-3 minutes stirring well to keep groats separated. After 2-3 minutes add a cup and a half of broth, onion, garlic and other spices.
  7. Cover and bring flame down to a simmer for 0-12 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  8. Take Quinoa from stove and drain, saving vegetable stock (you’ll need it in a minute).
  9. Place Quinoa in a bowl and add the buckwheat groats once they have finished.
  10. Add 1 cup of tomato puree your favorite tomato sauce and mix well.
  11. Once mixed, spoon liberally into bell peppers and put pepper tops back on.
  12. Take left over broth and put into large pot with steamer tray.
  13. Add broth or water until water just touches bottom of steamer rack and place Peppers into pot.
  14. Secure lid and place on stove.
  15. Bring to a boil then let simmer for 20-30 minutes, until peppers are very soft.
  16. Serve.

Nutty Green Quinoa

1 cup Quinoa
2 cups water
¼ to ½ tsp salt
½ cup almonds
1 bunch parsley
1 clove garlic
1 ½ Tbsp lemon juice
1 ½ Tbsp olive oil
½ cucumber
Pepper to taste
  1. Bring water to a boil, add quinoa and salt; stir and simmer, covered, for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat and let sit for another 10 minutes; then remove cover and allow to cool.
  3. While quinoa is cooking, blend almonds, parsley, garlic, and oil in a food processor.
  4. When quinoa is cool, stir with nut mixture and add pepper to taste.
  5. Garnish with cucumber if desired.

Home Made Energy Bars

With all this talk about healthier choices for breakfast cereals and breakfast bars I would like to give you some tasty easy to make homemade recipes for energy bars that can be used for a balanced breakfast or as a nutritional snack.

Bars are among the easiest and least time-consuming to prepare and the only equipment you need is a food processor.  You will find these bars to be a big contrast to the regular cereal bars.  They are filled with nutrient dense foods that will give you all the nourishment you need to have an invigorating start to the day and sustainable energy throughout your day.

You can eat 1 to 2 bars a day, and if you make them in big batches the bars will last longer.  When preparing in big batches you can individually wrap the bars and put them in the freezer and grab them when needed.   The bars will not freeze solid so there is no thawing required.  Since the bars don’t freeze fully they are a great treat to take while doing winter sports such as skiing or snow shoeing.  These bars will stay supple and chewy where as most processed commercial bars will freeze solid.  You can even through a few in your freezer at work and if you didn’t have time to pack a lunch or are working late you can use the bars as a nutritional meal or snack.

If you have never tried a nutrient dense energy bar and want to give it a taste-test you can buy a commercially made whole foods bar made by – Vega, Lara and or Raw Organics.  These bars are made with whole foods and organic ingredients.  They will give you an idea of what your own homemade bars will taste like.  These bars are some of the best on the market, but it can get pricey if you’re buying them daily.  Check out Mountain Top Nutrition at the corner of King and University (253 King St N, Waterloo, 519-342-2043) for Energy bars – their selection and service is fantastic!

Energy Bar Procedure:

Follow this procedure for all the energy bars until otherwise specified.

  • Place all ingredients in a food processor until desired texture is reached – for uniformly smooth bars you want to process for longer, and if you like the chucky texture process less.
  • Remove mixture from processor and put on a clean surface.
  • There are 2 ways to shape the bars:  actual balls or bar shape.
  • To shape into balls, use a tablespoon to scoop the mixture (approx  3-4  tablespoons) and roll between the palms of your hands
  • To shape into a bar, flatten the mixture on the clean surface with your hands.  Place plastic wrap over top and with a rolling pin, roll mixture to desired bar thickness.  Cut into bars.  Alternatively, form mixture into a brick and cut like sliced bread.
  • As the bars dry they become easier to handle.  The moisture content of berries and dates vary so if the mixture is too moist to form a solid bar, add more of the dry ingredients.  If too dry, either add more wet ingredients such as berries or a small amount of water.
  • All recipes make approximately 12 1oz bars

Chocolate Blueberry Energy Bars

High in Antioxidants and flavonoids, therefore helps to reduce free radical damage in the body and improves cellular recovery.

  1. 1 cup fresh soaked dried dates
  2. ¼ cup almonds
  3. ¼ cup blueberries
  4. ¼ cup roasted carob powder or cacao
  5. ¼ cup ground flaxseed
  6. ¼ cup hemp protein
  7. ¼ cup sesame seeds
  8. 1 tsp lemon zest
  9. Sea salt to taste
  10. ½ cup sprouted or cooked buckwheat (optional)
  11. ½ cup frozen blueberries

Place all ingredients into food processor except the buckwheat and blueberries.  Knead buckwheat and blueberries into mixture by hand.

Ginger Pear Energy Bars

A refreshing, crisp-tasting bar with lots of nutrients and ginger to help fight inflammation and improve digestion

  1. 1 small pear, cored
  2. ¾ cup fresh or soaked dried dates
  3. ½ cup sunflower seeds
  4. ¼ cup ground flaxseed
  5. ¼ cup hemp flour
  6. ¼ cup walnuts
  7. 2 tbsp of grated fresh ginger
  8. Sea salt to taste
  9. 2 tbsp sesame seeds

Mix all ingredients in foods processor except sesame seeds.  Cover mixture in sesame seeds before shaping into balls or bars.

Apple Cinnamon Energy Bars

These bars are more traditional in flavour but with all the same health benefits as a nutrient-dense bar.

  1. 1 small apple, cored
  2. 1 cup fresh or soaked dried dates
  3. ½ cup soaked or cooked quinoa
  4. ¼ cup almonds
  5. ¼ cup ground flaxseed
  6. ¼ cup hemp flour
  7. 2 tsp cinnamon
  8. ½ tsp nutmeg
  9. Sea salt to taste

Mango Coconut Energy Bar

With a tropical flavour, high electrolyte content, and energy producing coconut, these bars are ideal for long physically demanding days

  1. ¾ cup fresh or soaked dried dates
  2. ½ cup chopped mango
  3. ½ cup ground flaxseed
  4. ½ cup soaked or cooked quinoa
  5. ¼ cup macadamia nuts
  6. 1 tsp lemon zest
  7. Sea salt to taste
  8. ¼ cup shredded coconut.

Mix all ingredients together in the food processor except coconut.  Work coconut into the mixture by hand.

* All recipes provided have been taken from the book ‘The Thrive Diet’ by Brendan Brazier*

Breakfast Bars — High Fibre, or High Sugar?

The last blog discussed breakfast cereals and how to pick a ‘better’ cereal to start off the day.  Cereals companies are now coming out with breakfast bars and marketing it as a fast and easy choice for breakfast or as a high fibre snack.  Just like cereals you need to be careful about what you’re choosing to put in your grocery cart.

Many breakfast bars/cereals bars are marketed as high fibre but are also filled with loads of sugar, colouring and additives.  With millions of dollars spent every year on the marketing of processed foods such as breakfast bars it can be come very confusing about what the better choice is.  The best way to determine the quality of your breakfast bars is to take a quick look at the nutrition label for the following:

Sugar vs Fibre Content

You want to pick a bar that has approximately equal amounts of sugar and fibre and you want to avoid bars with more then 9 grams of sugar.  Look at the ingredient list and if you see sugar in the first three ingredients it’s loaded with sugar.  Pay attention to how many times is sugar listed in the ingredient list?  Also, the type of sugar used is important.  Bars that contain high fructose corn syrup should be avoided where better sugars include organic cane juice/sugar, brown rice syrup, honey, maple syrup, agave.

Additives, Artificial Colours & Flavour

Ask yourself – can I read and understand what all the ingredients listed are?  If not it’s likely to be artificial.


You want to avoid any bars that have modified or hydrogenated oils/fats.


Sodium is added to processed foods for flavour and as a preservative.  You want to pick a bar that has less than 150 mg of sodium per serving.


Low calorie is not always the better choices.  Often low calories choices are the ones that are most heavily processed and stripped of their nutritional value and pumped with artificial colour and flavour to make it taste good.  Low nutrient foods add no value to your diet and often leave you hungry and craving for more foods because of the lack of vitamins and minerals content.  Physically you may feel full but your body is still starving and in need of vitamins and minerals thus leaving you hungry soon after eating.  In addition, bars with high sugar content will affect your body’s blood sugar levels and also leave you hungry and craving more foods soon after eating.


Below you will find a chart of the most common breakfast cereal bars and their nutritional content – what would be your best choice after looking more closely at the sugar, fibre, artificial content, sodium levels and ingredient list?

Cereal Bar Special K Strawberry flavour Fibre 1 – oats and peanut butter All Bran Bars – oatmeal cinnamon Kashi – 7 grains with almonds
Sugar 9 g 12 g 9 g 5 g
Fibre 0 g 5 g 4 g 4 g
Sodium 95 mg 90 mg 105 mg 115 g

Ingredients – pay special attention to types of fat and sugar used.

Special K Strawberry Flavour


Fibre 1 oats & peanut butter


All Bran oatmeal cinnamon

Wheat flour, sugar/glucose-fructose, cereal (wheat bran, sugar/glucose-fructose, malt [corn flour, malted barley], salt, vitamins [thiamin hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, d-calcium pantothenate], iron), vegetable shortening (contains palm and palm kernel oils, TBHQ), oat hull fibre, rolled oats, dried whole egg, milk ingredients, salt, cinnamon, natural and artififcial flavours, baking powder, soy lecithin.

Kashi 7 grains with almonds

Seven whole grains and sesame blend (Whole: hard red winter wheat, oats, rye, barley, triticale, long grain brown rice, buckwheat, sesame seeds), whole almonds, brown rice syrup, soy protein isolate, toasted soy grits, evaporated cane juice, chicory root (inulin), whole flaxseed, evaporated cane juice syrup, rice starch, corn flour, honey, expeller pressed canola oil, glycerin, oat hull fibre, salt, natural flavour, cane juice molasses, soy lecithin, peanut flour, milk ingredients, annatto colour. Contains wheat, almond, soy, peanut, milk and sesame ingredients.

Ideally you want to avoid choosing processed foods as much as possible.  It can be just as convenient and tasty to make your own breakfast using whole foods.

Easy Alternatives

Some fast and easy alternative to breakfast cereals:

–       Hand full of nuts and seeds and an apple/fruit (flax seeds and hemp seeds are high in fibre)

–       Home made granola

–       Protein smoothy – whey or soy protein, ½ cup of fruit, 1 cup of water or soy/rice/almond milk

–       Hard boiled eggs, 3 egg white omelette

–       High protein whole food bars – Raw Organics, VEGA, Elevate, Lara bars

Do You Want More Energy?

Most people will reply YES!

Since energy is in such high demand it’s important to explore where our body’s energy comes from so we can figure out how we can get more.

Where does energy come from?

Energy is produced by the trillions of cells in our body, therefore in order to gain more energy we need to address the health of our cells.

There are three essential components that determine how well a cell functions:

  1. Oxygen
  2. Water and
  3. Elimination of Waste.


Oxygen is the source of all energy in the body. Without oxygen our cells wouldn’t be able to do any work. All metabolic processes in the body such as assimilation (absorption), elimination of waste, respiration, circulation and digestion requires energy.

So how do we get more oxygen?

The answer is simple, we need to breathe better, and by this I mean real deep diaphragmatic breathing – commonly practiced in yoga and meditation. Deep Breathing is simple and just practicing 10 deep breaths twice a day is a great start that only takes minutes out of your day, yet leaves you feeling much more energized.

To help you learn how to breathe deeply you can pick up CD’s or take yoga classes. You can also look on the web for videos that demonstrate diaphragmatic breathing. There are two videos that I found to be helpful in getting you starting on diaphragmatic breathing.

The first video explains the location of the diaphragm in the body and how it moves in relation to other organs.

The second video is a one minute demonstration of diaphragmatic breathing.

In addition to giving your cells an essential ingredient to make energy, diaphragmatic breathing is an excellent way to relax and calm down the nervous system. When you’re feeling stressed or anxious you can stop and take 10 deep diaphragmatic breathes essentially anywhere – your office desk, your car, in the elevator and so on.


The second ingredient necessary for your trillions of cells to produce energy is water.

Water is the most abundant substance in the body. Up to 70% of our body is made up of water; furthermore 70% of our planet is also made of water, so it only makes sense that we need a substantial intake of water daily for optimal cellular function. Water is the medium in which all cellular reactions occur, thus if we are dehydrated even slightly it reduces cellular function, hence reducing our overall energy.

The recommended daily intake of water is one half your body’s weight in ounces. For example, if you weight 200 lbs, half your weight would be 100 lbs, thus you would need 100 ounces of water daily. There are 8 ounces in one cup of water, or 32 ounces in a litre. Therefore a 200 lb individual would need to drink 3 litres of water daily to stay well hydrated.

So how do we get more water?

The best way to tackle your hydration is by observing the colour of your urine. If you urine is clear or faint light yellow and odourless you are well hydrated. If you find your urine to be darker yellow and has an odour it’s a good indication that you are dehydrated.

If you find yourself thirsty it’s an indication that you are dehydrated. Don’t wait to feel the thirst to drink water. You body usually sends out thirst signals well after the fact of dehydration.

In addition to drinking water you want to consume approximately 75% of your diet in the form of raw uncooked food due to its high water content. This includes fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and cold pressed oils.

Use freshly cut lemon or lime slices to spice up your water, oranges slices are very zesty and work well too. Over the summer months you can increase your water consumption through the use of herbal iced teas. As a rule of thumb, half of your daily water consumption should be in the form of pure water and half can be in other forms such as herbal or green tea.


The last component to producing optimal cellular energy is the ability of the cell to eliminate waste, also known as Detoxification.

Every cell in our body produces a natural waste as a bi-product of the work it does, and in order for the cell to be able to continue function optimally it has to remove that waste to make room for future waste. One of the biggest obstacles to detoxification and waste removal is that in addition to the natural waste our body produces, it’s also faces with environmental toxins and toxins from the food we eat and the water we drink, making it twice as hard to keep up with the detoxification process.

One of the most important components to waste removal is our lymphatic system. Stay tuned for the next blog which will discuss the lymphatic system in detail.

In order to support detox you need to:

  1. Do a couple of really good cleanses each year with the fall and spring being the best seasons to embark on a cleanse.
  2. Be putting healthy cleansing practices into everyday use to keep up with waste removal.

Some quick and easy tips on daily cleansing include:

  • Increase green leafy vegetable intake (green smoothies are fantastic – check out Newsletter 14 for recipes on green smoothies)
  • Eating whole foods
  • Drinking lots of water
  • Daily movement/exercise
  • Hot Yoga or Infrared saunas
  • Good quality fats – fish, nuts, seeds or supplements with a fish oil

In addition there are several things you want to avoid that hinder detoxification:

  • Processed foods
  • Fried foods and unhealthy fats
  • Sugar
  • Toxic exposure – chemical products such as house hold cleaner & beauty products, toothpaste, deodorant etc…

In Summary

In summary, if you want more energy and you want to get more out of your day with better focus and more motivation you need to respect and support all the trillions of cells in your body by increasing oxygen supply, water intake and supporting the removal of waste through daily detoxification!

Boost Your Immune

Change of Season Soup

Over the last few weeks I have had  numerous patients coming into my office with the cold and flu; this is to no surprise because during the ‘Change of Seasons’ we are more susceptible to catching the cold or flu.  It’s important to boost your immunity during the ‘Change of Seasons’ and practice good hygiene such as washing your hands frequently to prevent the spread of germs.

For years I have been preparing for myself and prescribing to my patients a special soup called ‘Change of Season Soup’ to boost the immune.   It works like a charm, and patients will come back to me time and time again in owe by how well the soup supported their immune.

The ‘Change of Season Soup’ is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).   In TCM the lungs are responsible for the Wei Qi (Defensive Qi) that protects us from the cold and flu.  ‘Change of Season Soup’ is an immune tonic which can help balance the body during times of stress, and protects against the cold and flu.

The following recipe can be made on its own, or the herbs can be added to homemade chicken soup with other hearty vegetables like: shitake mushrooms, onions, garlic, potato, carrots and other root vegetables.  Drink 2 cups of ‘Change of Season Soup’ each day for about two weeks.  If acutely ill, wait until you have recovered to drink the soup.

Ingredients: equal parts of the following herbs, about 2 oz (60 grams) of each herb

  1. Codonopsis root: Strengthens Qi (energy), builds the blood to improve circulation and nourish body fluids
  2. Astragalus: Strengthens the Wei Qi; the immune defences, nourishes the spleen, and tonifies the bloods.
  3. Dioscorea root: Tonifies and balances the lungs and kidneys.
  4. Chinese lycee berries: Strengthens the liver and kidneys.


  1. Fill a large stock pot with 4-6 litres of water, and herbs and bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat to low-medium and simmer for 2-4 hours to reduce the liquid to half.
  3. If liquid boils down before 2 hours add water as necessary.
  4. Strain out herbs.
  5. Makes 2-3 litres.
  6. Drink ½ litre (2 cups) per day as a tea or broth, or use it as a base for soups.
  7. Keeps in fridge for 4-5 days.

In addition, increasing your daily intake of Vitamin C (2,000-4,000mg per day) and taking a high potency probiotic daily (Metagenics for Seroyal brands) will help to keep your immune strong.

Spring is definitely in the air, but with the rapid and unpredictable weather changes it’s important to support your immune until the warmer weather is stable and here to stay!

Dried herbs can be found at: Natural Foods & More — Corner of Bridgeport and Devitt in Waterloo (cross from the Sobey’s plaza)

Warming Socks

As an acute treatment for the cold and flu try the ‘Warming Sock’ treatment.  It’s cheap and easy to do and anyone can do this – kids or adults.  The ‘Warming Sock’ treatments help to regulate circulation and boost the immune system.  It’s particularly helpful for symptoms of congestion, sore throat and fever.

All you need to get started is:

  1. 1 pair of ankle sport/cotton socks
  2. 1 pair of big warm wool socks
  3. Cold water
  4. Warm blankets


  1. It’s best to do this treatment over night while you’re sleeping.
  2. Before you go to bed, take the sport/cotton socks and soak them in very cold water, wring them out and take them out so they are wet but not dripping and take them to your bed.
  3. Place the wet soaks on your feet (this part is a little uncomfortable for only a few seconds until you get use to the feeling of the wet soaks), and place the warm wool socks over top.
  4. Wrap yourself in warm blanks or covers and go to sleep
  5. In the morning the wet socks will be dry
  6. Repeat every night until your symptoms resolve.

Often patients will look at my in disbelief that such a treatment would work, but his is by far the best acute cold and flu treatment out there.  It really works, it’s simple, it’s cheap and anyone in the family can do it!  Put it to the test next time you’re feeling under the weather.  This treatment is also great to do as prevention of the cold and flu during the early signs of the immune system weakening, for example sniffles, early signs of congestions or feeling worn down.

It’s Never a Glorious Rise to the Top!

You want better health, you want more energy and focus, you want to lose weight, you want to kick old unhealthy habits and create new healthier ones – Great!

We at Vibrant Living have exhausted the notion that there is not magic pill that will give you better health, but there is a ‘lifestyle’ change that will help you achieve a vibrant quality of life!  Unhealthy habits are hard to break and new habits take time and effort.

As you embark on your journey of Vibrant Living, it’s important to acknowledge that it’s never a glorious rise to the top!  In fact, we go through several stages and bumps in the road before we can achieve long term, stable change.

Below we’re going to go through the Stages of Change Model, or SCM.  SCM explains the mind/body stages we go through when we make changes in our life, weather it’s developing new habits or kicking old ones.   The SCM model has been applied to a broad range of behaviours including weight loss, overcoming alcohol, and drug problems among others.

The idea behind the SCM is that behaviour change does not happen in one step. Rather, people tend to progress through different stages on their way to successful change and each of us progresses through the stages at our own rate.  Moreover, each person must decide for himself or herself when a stage is completed and when it is time to move on to the next stage.  MOST importantly, this decision to change must come from the inside, and not because someone is asking us to change or wants us to change… as per the popular saying ‘We can’t change others but we can change ourselves!”

The Stages of Change

As we work through the stages of change I will use the example of starting an exercise program (new healthy habit) for the purpose of trying to lose weight

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Stage One: Precontemplation

In the precontemplation stage, people are not thinking seriously about changing and are not interested in any kind of help. People in this stage tend to defend their current bad habit(s) and do not feel it is a problem. They do not focus their attention on their bad habit and tend not to discuss their bad habit with others.  This stage is often referred to as the “denial” stage.

This person sees no problem with getting absolutely no exercise; this person will drive two blocks to the corner store because they wouldn’t even consider the idea of walking.

Stage Two: Contemplation

In the contemplation stage people are more aware of the personal consequences of their bad habit and they spend time thinking about their problem.  They are able to consider the possibility of changing and are weighing the pros and cons of quitting or modifying their behaviour. It might take as little as a couple weeks or as long as a lifetime to get through the contemplation stage. (In fact, some people think and think and think about giving up their bad habit and may die never have gotten beyond this stage).

Here the individual recognizes that if they don’t start exercising and losing weight they could die at a young age of a heart attack like their father did, or they may not be able to play with their kids because it’s too painful on their joints.  They may also feel it’s impossible to get back on track, or it’s too painful to even try, or perhaps they’ve tired before and failed and they don’t want to fail yet another time.

Stage Three: Preparation/Determination

In the preparation/determination stage, people have made a commitment to make a change. Their motivation for changing is reflected by statements such as: “I’ve got to do something about this – this is serious. Something has to change. What can I do?”

People in this stage are trying to gather information about what they will need to do to change their behaviour and what resources are available to help them make this change.

Now the individual is calling different fitness club inquiring about cost or programs. They may ask friends or family what they did to get back in shape.  They maybe are looking at their schedule to see when they could fit exercise into their day.

Too often, people skip this stage: they try to move directly from contemplation into action and fall flat on their faces because they haven’t adequately researched or accepted what it is going to take to make this major lifestyle change.

Stage Four: Action/Willpower

This is the stage where people believe they have the ability to change their behaviour and are actively involved in taking steps to change their bad behaviour by using a variety of different techniques.

This is the shortest of all the stages. It generally lasts about 6 months, but it can literally be as short as one hour! This is a stage when people most depend on their own willpower. They are making overt efforts to quit or change the behaviour and are at greatest risk for relapse.

Mentally, they review their commitment to themselves and develop plans to deal with both personal and external pressures that may lead to slips. They may use short-term rewards to sustain their motivation, and analyze their behaviour change efforts in a way that enhances their self-confidence. People in this stage also tend to be open to receiving help and are also likely to seek support from others (a very important element).

Here the individual is using their new gym membership. They are choosing to go to the gym right after work because they know that if they come home they will get distracted.  They find a reliable friend to go to the gym with so they have extra support, and they find ways to reward themselves for their hard work!

Stage Five: Maintenance

Maintenance involves being able to successfully avoid any temptations.  They are able to anticipate the situations in which a relapse could occur and prepare coping strategies in advance.  The goal of the maintenance stage is to maintain the new status quo. People in this stage tend to remind themselves of how much progress they have made and remind themselves what they are striving for is personally worthwhile and meaningful. Here people may have thoughts of returning to their old bad habits, they resist the temptation and stay on track.

This individual will be able get through the holiday season or go on vacation without gaining 10 lbs because they have anticipated the temptations involved and have set out strategies before hand, such as picking a resort with a gym, choosing one course of a dinner party to indulge in instead of indulging in the whole meal.


It is common to cycle through the five stages several times before achieving a stable life style change – thus, relapse is considered a normal part of change.

The risk with relapse is that it can really make you feel like a failure and give you little confidence to get back on track.  On the flip side, by analyzing how the slip happened, relapses can be an important opportunity for learning and becoming stronger by finding better coping strategies for the next time a high stress situation arises or one is faced with temptation.


Eventually, if you “maintain maintenance” long enough, you will reach a point where you will be able to work with your emotions and understand your own behaviour and view it in a new light. In this stage, not only is your bad habit no longer an integral part of your life but to return to it is not an option.

In Summary:

  • Precontemplation (Not yet acknowledging that there is a problem behaviour that needs to be changed)
  • Contemplation  (Acknowledging that there is a problem but not yet ready or sure of wanting to make a change)
  • Preparation/Determination (Getting ready to change)
  • Action/Willpower (Changing behaviour)
  • Maintenance (Maintaining the behaviour change)
  • Relapse (Returning to older behaviours and abandoning the new changes)
  • Transcendence (Bad habits are no longer a integral part of your life – returning to old ways is not an option)

As you progress through your own stages of change, it can be helpful to re-evaluate your progress in moving up and down through these stages. Remember relapsing is normal and don’t let it paralyze you!  Relapsing is like falling off a horse – the best thing you can do is get right back on again.